Saturday, July 28, 2012

A4: Olompali Aoxomoxoa Visions

Artifact 4: Olompali Aoxomoxoa Photo Visions............... 

Well DSP-freaks, I'm slow.  I meant to get more of my 5/8/77 goodies posted...(spoiler since I'm so late: tix from show/backstage pass/concert poster will be featured), but I went ahead and started working on my other website and arty farty projects.  Apologies.
So, to tied you over, I am going to post some AoxomoxoA flashback pix for you. I have a half-finished blog post on Olompali, and these shots were meant to be a featured part of it..but as I'm so damn pokey, I'll just get these up so you can enjoy.

Dig the original back cover shot by Thomas Weir (no relation to ole Bob that I know of...) and see if I didn't find that damn near same tree 41 years later! No acid Indians attacked me while I was there with my family (that I saw anyway)...though Phil and Garcia claim they still haunt that sacred adobe site .  Anyway, I don't want to go into too many details on this Olompali magic haunt, as it will make a killer post when I honor Aoxomoxoa in 2069, so just enjoy the pix.  Hope to be back soon with more fresh cake.